Did I layer my duck run ok?


May 17, 2024

I am new here and I wanted to get some advice.

I layered my 10X10 duck run with 1. HeavyDuty Geotextile Fabric Barrier Blocker type + 3/8 size pea rock (1/2inch thick) + rubber draining mats + a layer of straw on top. Well, I wanted to avoid mud but now I am scared for the long term.

Any advice? Is it too much? I'm scared everything will stay jammed within the rocks...
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i personally would avoid using hay or straw.. when it gets wet it gets slimy.... not bad for the ducks. not so great for us to walk on and or pick up when cleaning. what you have otherwise will last a long time! i mean eventually the poop will catch up depending how many ducks you got.
i personally would avoid using hay or straw.. when it gets wet it gets slimy.... not bad for the ducks. not so great for us to walk on and or pick up when cleaning. what you have otherwise will last a long time! i mean eventually the poop will catch up depending how many ducks you got.
Thank for your response, I just realized that I put way to much straw, it just doesn't dry. I'll remove most of it and see if it gets dryer. If not, I'll just put some in one spot so they can lay comfortably, that way I'll be able to hose it down before getting too damp.
I would agree the straw is a bit slimy and smelly. I learned that the hard way. I too have rock for a base- about 8-10 inches of 3/4" gravel, sloping away from the area. I have fake turf ($20- 6x8ft) on top and some rubber mats around. I spray it down DAILY and honestly it is the FOOD that falls in the rocks that makes it all stink. I was pouring Simple Green/Water mix over the rocks this weekend to try and get it better. They have only been in their hut for 2 weeks. LOL!
Trial and Error- all depends on climate you are in. The rock base is a great start in my opinion.

If you can cover your run it will help a lot! Gives them shade and protection from rain and weather, and keep whatever you put down dry.
Thanks for your reply, it is indeed covered with a solid roof ☺️ so only the sides get wet when it rains.


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