Did I POISIN my Guineas with food scraps???


10 Years
Nov 18, 2009
-Paragraph from "4 DEAD GUINEAS"

I am adding some more info here on the deaths to help determine what caused these four to die off. The area where they died was at the back of the barn where the horse manure is piled up. We also place our food scraps back here for the chickens and goats to pick through as they wish. The contents from what i can remember is as listed: Cooked corn, raw corn, lettuce, potatos, carrot peels, hamburger buns, bread, avacodo peels, orange rind, grapefruit rind, onions, hamburger meat, hotdogs, grapes, pickles, cottage cheese.

It makes sense to me that they died eating something from that pile but I have no idea what it could have been. Are we inadvertently posining the Guinea's with the food scraps. As I said before no other chickens or animals have had any ill effects just these four Guineas.

I havent had a lot of responses so I was reposting this with a different title.

In the picture you can see three of them. The food scraps are normally thrown in the area between the guinea at the top of the picture and the manure pile with the steel tank sticking out of it. You can see some of the grapefruit hulls in the hay and infront of the white chicken "Cornish X". Doesn't he look yummy???
avacardo and potato sound liek the culprits to me but i could be wrong

or cottage cheese goinf sour and poisionous in the gut
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I agree with silverfox, avocados and potato peels contain toxins, I don't know how much of these 2 foods the birds would have to eat for either one to poison the birds to death tho... but yikes, you may have solved the mystery deaths. Depending on the degree of composting, the other foods rotting could also produce toxins as well. I posted the link to this list in another thread recently, you might want to read thru it and make up a compost pile "do not add list" to put on your fridge as a reminder... Chicken Treat Chart
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Hamburger meat sounds suspicious to me. Both my dogs suffered liver failure from ingesting something around the farmstead this spring. Vet said likely iit was a dead animal. Both dogs survived after lengthy hospitalization.
Always read that raw potato peels were one of the no-no toxic foods for chickens. Anything rotten is not a good idea either!
Also read somewhere that chocolate is a huge issue - someone killed their chicken flock with stale Cocoa Puffs cereal!

So sorry about your loss!

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