Did I put my Duck eggs in lock down too early?


6 Years
Jul 22, 2013
My duck wants to be a moma so bad. She has tried to sit on eggs and something always ends up happening. A few weeks ago was her first time to actually sit ALL day! On her 10th day, I went out to check because she was off her nest in the middle of the day. (Usually early morning for a few minutes and late afternoon). 4 of her eggs were gone and she would not get back by the nest! I ran to the nearest TS and got a bator and put the remaining eggs in. After a few days, I candled and a few were still good and others were not. She had laid a few more, so I just put them in there so she would have a full hatch. Not knowing what I'm doing, I didn't mark any of them! Yesterday was lockdown day (I think) for at least 3. I did mark them all with numbers after reading up on hatching. If those three are the wrong ones, am I going to kill them by not turning them? Should I just keep turning until they pip the air cell? I don't know, I was just crazy trying to save them!
It's never a good idea to stagger eggs like that because the eggs need different temp and humidity requirements for hatch than they do during the rest of incubation. Also considering how it can take several days to hatch and you're not supposed to open the bator lid until they do, that could cause a problem for the other embryos that are still in early development. Since you didn't mark any of the eggs there isn't much you can do at this point but wait and hope for the best.
They are all within a week of each other. I have never even wanted to hatch eggs before, just love my ducks and chickens. Will it kill the eggs by not turning them the extra day or two?
Definately dont keep turninv as the ones ready to hatch wont be able to get into position to hatch. Candle all of them and mark the ones less developed (only a few at a time with the most of rest still in there to keep them warm and save opening it too much.) Keep an eye on the humidity as you do this. I would then probably personally still opening to turn the less developed ones but spray fine spray of warm water to keep humidity up and dont o poo en to turn once any have pipped at that point they are all on lockdown. Just my opinion
thanks for your opinion :) I know some of what to do and not to do next time, but I have to get through the now time! There is one that is smaller of the 4 that I believe should be on lock down, but it seems less developed. It has always been less active, but the shell is smaller too. I keep turning it thinking it needs more time. I have been sticking a small rod in the side of the bater to roll the others as not to change the temp. too much. I am really confused about proper humidity. So many different %'s. I had been keeping it at 50-55% and upped it to 60% as a happy medium for all. It will be a long time before I do this again if ever!
I have two that have been rocking. I shine the light through the glass and the air cells are growing fast. Is that a good sign or bad?
I they are rocking, that is definitely a good sign. I don't think that locking a few down early is going to cause a catastrophe. Just try to keep your humidity around 60%. Turning them won't really hurt either. Many of mine have hatched in the turner when I forgot to lock them down due to an emergency.
ok, thanks so much! Another started rocking pretty ferociously and I may see it trying to internal pip. Something keeps pushing up then falling down. It's hard to tell just looking through the window because I can't see all sides. If that's it, should I be able to see it's bill with the flashlight by morning? The other rockers still have a clean line at their air cell. No movement.
I just know that's what it's doing! OMgoodness! I really have to go to bed or I'm going to have to touch something!!!!
I can't believe there is no progress! I can't see any kind of a bill or anything now! I do see some movement of something tugging at the air cell. I hope he's just at the bottom or something that I can't see through the windows. The largest part of the cell is at the top though. I wish one of the others would show some signs of something so I could have something else to divert my attention!!

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