Did it!


In the Brooder
9 Years
Feb 7, 2010
Fort Collins
Took the fam to the feed store and bought one each [counter-clockwise from bottom, with the BPR on top]: Red Sexlink, Easter Egger, Gold Laced Wyandotte, White Leghorn, Cochin, Barred Plymouth Rock. Took my three kids about 5 minutes to have them named: Orange, Wild Rice, Lacey, Polka Dots, Einstein, and Scratch (resp.)

I hooked up a digital controller to the lamp so I wouldn't have to fret too much over temps, set at 95° with a 3° swing, good yes?
We figure on going back next week for a Buff Orp and either a Welsummer or another Americana. We are allowed six here, so I figure starting with eight we'll have a good shot at it.
Also, in the last week I've scored two full sheets of OSB a bunch of tile, a bunch of vinyl flooring and about 20' of 36" x 1" x 2" welded wire. Oh, and a window and a big framed section of those glass cubes you see as windows, not sure what the name is.
That random spigot in our far backyard is finally going to come in handy, isn't it?

Here's another shot; note the extra-fancy feeder box:

What do you think?
Oh they are all soooo cute. Wish I could have more but I might get run out of my subdivision. Everytime I look at one of yours, I think oh that's the cutest....then I look at another one and think oh no that one is....etc. etc. etc.

Oh and.....

Oh and forgot to say.....LOVE the FEEDER! You should patent them and sell them!
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Thanks guys. Catdaddy, if you read my post You'll see we're headed for two more when they come in next week. Unfortunately we're only allowed six in the city here; that's why we're sticking with eight. (Actually, we also have a giant playstructure and three 4x12' raised beds on our smallish lot, so just as well!)
Great feeder, but I'd put the waterer UP on something to keep the pine shavings out of it.

And for the first week, I always have marbles in it to keep them from drowning. (They fall asleep anywhere... I've watched them let there head drop into the water... thus the marbles.)
Wow. Thanks for the tip! Hadn't heard that one. I do believe we have some marbles rolling around. If not I'll go buy some. Seems I could use a few more myself.
I had it setting up a bit and they knocked it down, so we've just been scooping the shavings out every so often, and putting them in a box under the brooder. I'll try and figure something out.
Yes, it's always a good idea to elevate waterers when you're using shavings... or newspapers... or hay... etc.

Such adorable little fuzzy butts! Congrats! I wish I could get more... but I have a pair of Serama coming in the mail on Monday.

Oh, yeah, and
Okay, found a couple blocks of 2x4 to put under the water, seems stable. Now, to tear myself from them so I can get to sleep!

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