Did we accidentally get the wrong bird?

Oh wow I believe those may be broilers. I have never seen a chick grow like that. But I have not had broilers. Personally I would sell them off as soon as weaned off heat and say they could be broilers to the buyer as if they are, keeping them to a full long life is painful for them I have read (we don't butcher our chickens). If you butcher your chickens then you don't have a problem. (But I am not sure at all if they are broilers- disclaimer!)

You will probably know without a doubt by 6 weeks of age if they are, I am guessing!

If you want to go buy more chicks to add in with these so you have more layers and they all get along, I have found that 2 weeks is the maximum age separation (so day olds put in with 2 week olds) that works from my experience. Putting day olds in with three week olds doesn't work for me.

So you may want to consider running out and getting some more layer chicks if you are going to maybe sell these off. But if they end up not being broilers then you may have too many chicks.
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I've had Cornish X meat birds and they looked like that. Are there just two? Or is that a third in the middle? The reason I ask is because sometimes hatcheries will throw in free extras for warmth. And it's usually whatever they have a lot to spare. Perhaps they had a lot of extra broilers? You said you got 2 extra, right?
I've had Cornish X meat birds and they looked like that. Are there just two? Or is that a third in the middle? The reason I ask is because sometimes hatcheries will throw in free extras for warmth. And it's usually whatever they have a lot to spare. Perhaps they had a lot of extra broilers?  You said you got 2 extra, right?

It's just the two, but they're definitely not the extras. The extras were the free rare (who died) and a Sumatra roo (1 of the Sumatra died as well. We've counted and these guys are definitely part of the "layers". Looks like a hatchery mixup.
My uncle ordered them, so it'll be his decision what to do. They did credit us for the 3 that died in the first 2 days, so I'm sure they'll fix this issue, too. We don't eat our birds, so that'll be another problem to figure out. The poor things are sad to watch. :(

The big "blonde" one standing up looks like my California White, she/he seems to be growing up fast too, she does sleep quite a bit but is also very active. Blondie is always stretching her neck and flapping her wings which makes me think she may be a he.
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