Did you know that chickens can learn tricks??

Last summer around this time i got my first chickens. A pair of dorking bantams. I decided i wanted my rooster to be superman so i taught him how to fly. I would let him jump from things he considered comfortable heights then i would chase him around for a half hour to build muscle for him. This spring he got lose and flew on top of the barn. When i went to get him off he soared accross my yard (about 30 yards) without even flapping his wings! After i picked my jaw up off the ground i caught him again and got him back in the barn. Thats definately a trick that everyone should teach their chickens!
I never thought to give our chickens popcorn. That's a great idea! A lot cheaper than freeze dried meal worms too!!
That is amazing!! I have to say, the way you told the story was great! I had to laugh at the thought of you chasing him around for a 1/2 hour
. Then I thought...YOU were getting a great work out and building muscle in your legs too!! Way to go!!!
OMG your girls are adorable! Your daughter in her swimsuit and cloggies with her leaping chickens is like the quintessential happy childhood picture!

Here's an idea for your girl and her girls, but be warned I am not cute like your little girl and my mutt chicken is not adorable like your BO's, but you'll get the picture! I watched some Bob Bailey training videos a few years back, and YES chickens are easily trained:

I have one EE hen who's big like your BO's and when she lands on my arm she almost knocks me over, but that's just her sense of humor. With even smaller chicken trainers, maybe a prop (chair?) would be a better idea. Or a head. I had a bantam rooboy who often landed on my shoulder and my head, while my chronically sick shoulder was too sore, he was soooo sweet. Most critters are smarter than we give them credit for, I think sometimes its US who need to listen and pay attention!

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