Did your family invent words?


Chicken Sensei
12 Years
Jan 10, 2008
Marysville, OH
We think ours did. If you've ever heard of these, let me know.

Briggity: a cross between too big for your britches and uppity.

Grousty: a cross between grimy and crusty, as in "Look at those grousty knees! Get me the Brillo pad!"

Lurl: like when something tastes soooo good you kind of wrap it around your tongue and savor the taste. "She lurled her tongue around that Dove chocolate."

What can I say, I'm a hillbilly and proud of it!
We also used to try to "smuffocate" each other with pillows. That like smothering and suffocating. Where were my parents???
My mom does this ALL the time!!!!! I can't even begin to start reciting all of the words she has made up
LMAO She also likes to mix metaphors
My parents were both born and raised in West Virginia, so I came from true hillbilly stock even though we moved when I was like 1 or 2 yrs old (before I lost all my teeth or married my cousins).

We also said "waspers" instead of "wasps" and when my mom wants to say "ruined" she says "roant." Also, she "warshes" the dishes instead of "washes."

Of course, I used those words too, because I thought it was the right way to say things...up until I started going to school and the teachers and my fellow classmates worked together using fear and public humiliation to teach me to "talk right."

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