Diff in male and female?


May 13, 2015
I have always gotten female broilers. They seem to grow nicely for me. Their combs and wattles have always been small and a pale red. I have a couple in my current batch that have big wattles and combs. Can someone tell me why?
the one looking at the cam on the right looking like a roo does he act like a roo he has a bigger comd and wattle the one in the back and on the left are hens the one in the middle looks like a roo
I think the one in the middle is a rooster. They seem to develop their combs earlier than the hens.
the one looking at the cam on the right looking like a roo does he act like a roo he has a bigger comd and wattle the one in the back and on the left are hens the one in the middle looks like a roo
I have not had any roosters before so I'm not sure how to answer that.
I think the one in the middle is a rooster. They seem to develop their combs earlier than the hens.
Ok. Thank you. I kind of thought that may be the case. When I was at the local fair I saw their meaties had red big combs etc. so they must be male.

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