Difference in eggs?


7 Years
Jul 6, 2012
Canandaigua NY
Will I be able to tell the difference between a Buff Orpington egg and a Black Australorp egg?
The reason I ask is because I want to raise Australorps next spring and sell day old chicks. I have two pullets now... an australorp and an orpington who are attached to each other. I want the australorp in with the other australorps next spring, but that means the orpington will also come along to that run/coop.
If one egg does sneak by me, I'd hate for the baby chick to LOOK like a full australorp, and sell it as one, only to have it be a mix.
Will I be able to tell them apart???
Probably not, if my Bing image search is accurate.

They both lay a light brown egg, of about the same size.

You can buy nesting boxes that contain the bird once she has laid, so you can know for sure which bird laid which egg.

Good luck!

Thanks for the reply. I think I will have to separate them, but I realized 4 out of my chickens are roosters and are the bullies. I think they should all be happy together once the roosters are gone.
The two babies I have now will just have to get used to being apart. They can still see each other through the fence.

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