Difference in temperament between incubator and broody hatched chicks?


12 Years
Jun 30, 2011
Forgive me if this has been covered before...I tried to search it, but couldn't quite figure out the right search terms...

I don't have a huge number of clutches in my informal research, so this is strictly anecdotal, but I notice a definite difference in the calmness/skittishness between chicks I've hatched in an incubator and those hatched by a hen, but removed within 24 hours of hatching and raised in the same conditions.

My numbers are roughly equal, I've hatched 5 clutches of eggs in an incubator, and 6 clutches under a broody, but this is over 5 years, and i wasn't taking notes!

And maybe I should put it under the Hatching forum, i dunno, I'm guessing most folks read both ;~)

My opinion is that broody hatched chicks, removed within 24 hrs, are much calmer, quieter and easier to handle...my incubator hatched chicks have been noisier, flightier and harder to tame. Though I should say, I don't handle any of my chicks alot, once a day to clean, and maybe again cuz they're cute...and then my grandgirl comes over, or any of my friends with kids, and it's chickfest, but that's sporadic, not really a factor overall.

This may also be a breed-related thing, my broody-hatched chicks have all been from my own stock. Still, i take them away, and brood and raise them separately. I free-range my chickens, and any small chook is a hawk-target.

All but one of my incubated broods were shipped eggs, i bought the incubator because a fox wiped out my breeding stock, I had 7 eggs left with my flock's genes, and I was determined to hatch them. The first thing I noticed was how fidgety and loud those chicks were compared to the last few batches.

Recently, I had a buff Orp go seriously broody, so I thought I'd try her out...i asked around for someone who wanted chicks, cause i didn't have room just then, and immediately got a taker, so i let her go for it. She eventually hatched out 9 chicks, which i took inside...I can't tell you how many times I went in my extra bathroom to check on them because they were so quiet...and they barely fussed about being handled.

I ended up keeping them 2 1/2 weeks cuz the first taker didn't take, so I had quite a while to watch these somewhat overcrowded chicks...they spent a LOT of time just resting, really mellow, and like i said, quiet...but growin like weeds, clean, bright-eyed and perky, nice formed droppings.

Just curious...anyone else notice this??

I wouldn't know about taking the chicks from their momma and a difference in those and the ones incubator hatched.
but I have seen the opposite in my chicks in general. the broody hatched chicks were harder to handle and more flighty where as the incubator chicks were easier to handle. I think that may be because I prefer not to fight my hens (they tend to be super protective of their babies) in order to handle her babies so they don't get much human attention and the babies from the incubator have more interaction with people being as they are raised in my house for the first couple months.
Oh, yeah, i could see that overall, chickens raised by broodies would be less tame.
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I like some of mine to be broody hatched .... watching them is hilarious. especially when they get curious about something and get spooked.... right back under momma then they peek their lil heads out, look around, and right back at it. with the bator hatched chicks they don't seem to have that curiosity and flightiness. they don't really seem to be scared of anything.

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