Differences between Welsummer and Black Sexlink Eggs?

Here is a better pic of her

The middle row is my welsummer eggs for sure but could the bottom row be from the blacksexlink hen?
Ok THAT one looks like a Sex Linked hen!

The ones I had was a bit darker brown than yours but with sex links you just don't know what exactly you are getting. I would assumed those front row light brown eggs are hers.
That coloring of hen is what we call a Red Rock. RIR crossed Barred Rock. Friendly birds and good layers.
Yep I had two of them and they were beautiful birds. They reminded me of the Quail d'Anvers from their colorings. Oh they were very good layers but they didn't last long in their laying years. Both of them quit around three to four years old and didn't lay very well after that before they died. (Found out it was perionitis, which it is genetics).
One of my Wellies lays a speckled egg, and the other lays a plain brown egg that looks just like a Golden Sex Link egg (not BSL).

You might want to place your eggs in the carton pointy (small) side down. I think it has something to do with the air cell- I don't know. This is what I have read.

Beautiful egg collection!!!

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