Differences EE, Ameraucana, & Araucana * Pls post pics*

Hi BYC Members! Need some help, please? Looking to confirm my Black Ameraucana Rooster meets the standards, as in APA prescribed standards... I think he does, but value the expert opinions from the members here. I purchased him last August from a BYC seller in central VA so at this point I just want to gain some confirmation... His comb looked unique to me, but appears to meet the pea comb standard... Any feedback is greatly appreciated!

He is a Black Ameraucana, but he is not show quality.
Thanks again Junebug, may I ask - what would need to be improved/changed IOT make him show quality? I was actually talking to the wife about potential of entering him in the fair this comjng fall... Thanks again!
He's fine for a fair show, but he won't do well at an APA sanctioned show. His back seems a bit too short, his neck seems to be a bit too long, his comb is too tall. He's not terrible quality, but he's not exactly great either. There is nothing that can be done to 'make' him show quality. Genetics are what they are, no changing that.

These all have beards,muffs. Would they be considered Americana or EE?
Left and Right are EE...green legs.
Center has what look like slate legs, but if came with others is probably EE too.
Where did you get them and how old?
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