Differences in peeling eggs?


5 Years
Mar 5, 2018
I am not sure where to post this question, but here goes . . .

This morning I boiled five eggs for breakfast - simply taking the oldest ones I got 3 dark brown from my cinnamon queen and 2 lighter brown from my barred rocks. I thought nothing of it other than simply getting the oldest - which in this case would be a week old or less.

When I got ready to peel them I was frustrated by how the membrane was not separating from the yolk and was pulling chunks of the "white" with the shell... then I noticed I had done two fo the cinnamon queen eggs. I did the two barred rock eggs and the shells came off fine - whole egg clean and smooth like its supposed to be. Then I tried the peel the the remaining cinnamon queen egg - same as the first two - I ended up pulling off chunks of the white and had a mess.

So, first question is: do eggs from different breeds peel differently when boiled, or was this just a coincidence in my case?

Second question: though my chickens are altogether, free range, is there anything that can be done (diet, etc) to have eggs that peel more easily? I used to think it was how well they cooled before peeling them - but that did not seem to be a factor this morning...
I am not sure where to post this question, but here goes . . .

This morning I boiled five eggs for breakfast - simply taking the oldest ones I got 3 dark brown from my cinnamon queen and 2 lighter brown from my barred rocks. I thought nothing of it other than simply getting the oldest - which in this case would be a week old or less.

When I got ready to peel them I was frustrated by how the membrane was not separating from the yolk and was pulling chunks of the "white" with the shell... then I noticed I had done two fo the cinnamon queen eggs. I did the two barred rock eggs and the shells came off fine - whole egg clean and smooth like its supposed to be. Then I tried the peel the the remaining cinnamon queen egg - same as the first two - I ended up pulling off chunks of the white and had a mess.

So, first question is: do eggs from different breeds peel differently when boiled, or was this just a coincidence in my case?

Second question: though my chickens are altogether, free range, is there anything that can be done (diet, etc) to have eggs that peel more easily? I used to think it was how well they cooled before peeling them - but that did not seem to be a factor this morning...
There is a difference. Store bought eggs peel a lot differently than fresh, and it’s very frustrating. Luckily, all you have to do is steam them, then put them in an ice bath. The shell pops off in two pieces sometimes.
YES I have one with easy to peel eggs-- my bantam Sebright's tiny eggs! They peel easily the day they are laid. Why is this? I don't know. Anyway they are adorable. Weigh about 1.2 oz. She lays 5-6 a week.
3 tiny eggs.jpg
The standard hens' eggs, I have to find the oldest ones and do the ice bath after boiling....
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I appreciate the thoughts on the ice bath . . . I do that. The point is all eggs were boiled at the same time and all eggs were cooled in the same way at the same time and even in the same pot . . . but still some eggs peeled more easily than others and the only difference was the breed of hens that laid them.
I think it varies by chicken, not necessarily breed. A few of my hens always peel easy, others not so much. Try tapping the top and bottom of the egg to crack it just before resting in cold water.

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