Different color eggs!?


Mar 2, 2016

I am a new chicken Mommy! I received a cream legbar, an olive Egger from one breeder and a blue copper maran mix from another. However today I found an egg in the nesting box that seems too large to have come out of our little legbar, but is much lighter than the eggs our maran typically lays! Is it normal for the color to change like this!?
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well the start of the season is their darkest egg laying then at the end of the laying season then they are much lighter, occasionally a way darker or way lighter egg can be laid there are glitches that happen here and there.

They aren't full grown hens, the mixed maran is 22 weeks, legbar is 24 weeks and the olive Egger is 29 weeks. And even her eggs have been funky! Maybe because they are new to laying...these were my Emilios eggs... From blue/green to an olive. And I know for sure they are hers because I watch them 24/7! I've wanted chickens for 8 years so I may be more excited than the majority. But I know 110% My legbar has not laid any eggs yet.
I would guess that those 2 eggs came from 2 different birds.....shape usually doesn't change that dramatically.
I don't have an answer for you, but I am definitely curious! We get all shades of light brown & pink from our austrolorps & silver lace & once a day either a light blue or light green from our easter egger - I've been wondering if her eggs can change a few shades like that, as they are distinctly different colored eggs. However, our one rooster for all of them is an easter egger, so I don't know if his genes are influencing colors that much [for the other breeds].
I don't have an answer for you, but I am definitely curious! We get all shades of light brown & pink from our austrolorps & silver lace & once a day either a light blue or light green from our easter egger - I've been wondering if her eggs can change a few shades like that, as they are distinctly different colored eggs. However, our one rooster for all of them is an easter egger, so I don't know if his genes are influencing colors that much [for the other breeds].

what do mean by the roo influencing egg shade the only way that would happen would be if you hatched eggs that he had fertilized, but if they are full grown hens they usually don't change color all that much be there can be hiccups here and there.---but egg color will not be changed by a roo unless they are his offspring
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They aren't full grown hens, the mixed maran is 22 weeks, legbar is 24 weeks and the olive Egger is 29 weeks. And even her eggs have been funky! Maybe because they are new to laying...these were my Emilios eggs... From blue/green to an olive. And I know for sure they are hers because I watch them 24/7! I've wanted chickens for 8 years so I may be more excited than the majority. But I know 110% My legbar has not laid any eggs yet.
Thank you! That's what I keep telling my husband! We did not know who laid the very first green/blue egg and he said he thought it was the olive Egger, however hers I catch her laying and are very different. Thank you! Still waiting for our legbar to lay us another beautiful egg!

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