Different Size Barred Rock Combs


9 Years
May 19, 2010
Rougemont, NC
I have 3 Barred Rock pullets that were all hatched on March 7th of this year. Two of them have fully developed, bright red combs and wattles but the third is way less developed. Recently, she's been getting redder but her comb and wattles aren't really getting much larger. Is she just really behind or is she just going to have a smaller comb and wattles? I should also mention that they are only hatchery stock just so we can have some yummy eggs.

She's the one on the left.


And again...

Either she's not laying or just has better quality of wattles/comb. I know your girls are pet quality for eggs, but Barred Rocks normally shouldn't have combs so big they fold or flop. . . And so naturally hatchery birds may vary.
I have two barred rocks and the same thing happened with mine. In fact, I thought one was a rooster because its comb got red and bigger much quicker. It is also a tad bit lighter in overall color. I now thing that that one is just an early mature-er maybe??
Thanks for all the quick replies!
She's not laying yet. Actually, as far as we know, only one of them is laying. We feel like the other very developed one should be, but maybe she's hiding her eggs?!

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