digesting bones and fur (and teeth)


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jul 1, 2012
Spokane Valley, WA
Our Wyandotte Ruth caught and ate a mouse last night. While I understand this is normal behavior, are there any of you scientific types that can tell me how the chicken digests the bones, teeth and fur of the mouse? Perhaps there's some very interesting manure forthcoming!
I also have heard about but never seen it. Go Ruth for keeping the barnyard safe from pesky mice
Our Wyandotte Ruth caught and ate a mouse last night. While I understand this is normal behavior, are there any of you scientific types that can tell me how the chicken digests the bones, teeth and fur of the mouse? Perhaps there's some very interesting manure forthcoming!
Bones can be ground to a degree by gizzard. If mouse immature, much of skeleton likely cartilidge which is easier to process.

Teeth likely passed intact.

Hair treated like fiber and passed intact. If you poke through feces hair will be found.

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