Dirt bath for caged chickens?

Hi .I keep my birds inside too but I use a very very large box for them to live in. The box is large enough for me to lay in both length wise and width wise. I fill the box with pine shavings and they take their "dust" bath in the shavings themselves. They kick their feet out and purr loudly while doing it so I suppose they are enjoying it! They have plenty of room to move about comfortably in their box. As for a caged bird, how big is the cage? If it will fit you can put a tub of dirt inside use a large clean cat box pan to hold it. This might work, then if they wish, they have a area to dust bathe when they want. Hope this helps. Or you can try keeping them in a very large Box with shavings, Then They will bathe in the shavings. Hope this helps and gives you some ideas. Best wishes.
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Mine are in 2 ft by 4 ft cages- pair of OE in each I do put shavings on the floor of each and they do bathe in it but I just wonder if it does do the same as dirt would.
Maybe you can make a covered outside run for them and then they can have a chance to dust bathe then. I also have a outside run for my girls. I have them inside the house but they have a run where they can get exercise and do chicken things too. But if your just keeping them in for the winter I think the shavings will be fine as long as they can do the act of dust bathing in them. Chickens dust bathe to help keep bugs and things off them plus they really enjoy the act.since yours are inside I wouldn't worry to much about the bugs and as long as they can preform the act of dust bathing they will be satisfied for their stay in the winter. If you like add a little pan of dirt then they can actually dust bathe in their cage they might like that. Its really up to you. I think as long as they can do the act itself they will be satisfied. I say this from expirence with my own inside birds. Just yesterday I caught one of mine dust bathing in her shavings and she was purring quite loudly and happily. So I'm thinking as long as they can do the act they are satisfied. They don't really need the extra protection from the dirt for bugs when they are kept inside but like I said you can add the dirt if you like. I really hope this helps. Best wishes
Mine have 2 inches or more of shavings in their inside cages and I have big runs for them outside in the spring and fall. They do dust in the shavings. Their cages are 3' x 4' and outside 4' x 8' run some 4' x 5' just for pairs and singles. All sand floors outside, ?Just want to make sure they get the best of everything!! Thanks ffor replying

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