Dirt, just Dirt


In the Brooder
9 Years
Apr 17, 2010
I have found a good place for my coop, shady, big nice. But there is only dirt there. Would that be okay for the chickens or would grass be better? I can plant grass for them no problem but which is better for them? Or does it matter?
Dirt is fine, they will eat the grass all gone anyhow
They will eat the grass Quickly anyway just put it in the best spot as far as convenience drainage and consideration of neighbors go. if you have problems post some pictures of the spots and I am sure you will get lots of help.
Even if you took the time to plant grass for them, it would be dirt in about a week. I give my hens greens from the garden each day. They love it. If I let them out of their run, they head straight for my finest plants. I would have no garden at all if they free ranged.

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