Dirty bottoms


6 Years
Apr 2, 2018
Perth, Western Australia
Two out of my four hens continue to develop dirty bottoms.
I have wormed all of them and cleaned the two with grubby backsides, but it seems to keep happening.
These two are eating, drinking and laying as normal, they just don't seem to be keeping themselves clean for some reason. Their poos are normal and they seem perfectly happy.
What could be wrong?
If they have particularly fluffy butt feathers, it might be best to trim the feathers collecting the poops off.
Instead of washing the poop off, cut the feathers about 1/4" from the skin.
I use nose hair scissors for this task because they are small, very sharp, and have nicely rounded ends. (of course then those scissors are dedicated to chicken chores).
Thanks for your reply Chicken Juggler. Your idea makes sense however, my other hens have fluffy butts but don't seem to have the same problem. Also, it's just started happening over the last couple of months, they were always clean before.

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