
Free Feather

5 Years
Aug 1, 2014
Southwestern Pennsylvania
Yesterday, my favorite turkey, Toadstool, died from Blackhead, something I have been battling with because my turkeys and chickens free range together. He was a Black Spanish tom, four months old. I did something I had not done before with a dead bird - I skinned him and gave him to the dogs. Normally I just bury them, but he was a big bird, my dogs already kill chickens, and my dogs are picky eaters and this would be one of the few things they would eat with relish. And hey, it would be a meal that did not come from a factory farm!
After all that was done, I scalded the skin and plucked the feathers from it. I figured I would use them in a pillow because I really liked Toadstool, and he would be missed. I went into the kitchen with the bag of feathers and a bucket and made sure there was no skin clinging to the feathers, putting the pieces in the bucket. My family walked in on this and were completely disgusted. Like, freaking out that there were dead bird pieces in the house, Oh My God!
I am an ovo-vegetarian. I do not eat meat, dairy, or honey, but I will eat eggs as long as they are from my birds only. Everyone else in my family eats meat. I do not understand why they are so disgusted. They put dead factory farm birds, the whole carcasss, on the table and on the dishes and in their mouth, but they get sick at the sight of feathers from a free range bird that died from an illness? I pointed this out to them and they got to mumbling and "but that is different, those are feathers...". All birds have feathers.
What do people think? That flesh just appears on the shelves of Wal-Mart? It is a creature, that had feelings and a brain and desires. It did not want to die, and I am sure it did not want to live the life it was forced to. If people cannot accept that, why do they eat meat at all? They seem to think they are being nice or an animal lover when they do not kill an animal, and instead buy a faceless one from the store. But that is so much worse!
And my family acts like they are disgusted by the chickens. They all eat the eggs, but if I get a sick chicken that needs to come in the house to stay warm or get a bath in the winter or get medical treatment, they act sicked out that a nasty chicken would come into the house. Yet they eat the eggs that come out of that "nasty" chicken's butt. Uh-huh....
People are so disconnected as to where the stuff that goes into their mouth came from. I am not for eating animals, that is obvious. But the people that say they are want nothing to do with the animal when it was living, and they do not want to see or hear anything that is related to the animals dying. Why do they lie to themselves like this? I blame factory farming in part, and people's natural compassion, but seriously?

Excuse me if I offend, but I just had to vent.
It's a serious problem.....

Part is education, part is just general lack of thinking.

There's a gut pile behind every hamburger yet no one wants to think about it or admit to it to somehow make them selfs feel better. I don't get it, so many people have some unnatural guilt about dead animals being food. That's what they are and always will be.

Somehow as a society we have gone so far off the rails I can't believe it. People that eat meat everyday will say things like I could never kill an animal..... Except everytime they take a bite that's exactly what they are doing. Just because you let someone else do the killing does not mean it didn't die.

What really burns me up is the same people spouting this nonsense then waste absurd amounts of food. That boggles my mind.

There's nothing gross or wrong about turning animals into food, I think it should be taught it school. Instead our children are taught debt is the way to success and it's ok to be offended at everything because your special and never have to loose....

Ok rant over, lol

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Both of you have VERY valid points.

NOTHING is wasted here. I raised chicks for several years, sex-links or auto sexing breeds. No one wanted to buy roosters, so I went to a pet shop to find out where snake breeders are in my area. I raised rooster to sizes they wanted for their snakes, snapped their necks and froze them. When I got too many in the freezer, then I snapped their necks and cooked them in the crock pot and fed them back to the chickens. Let's just say several people were very offended by that. But, I see no reason to raise roosters that are never going to make a decent carcass.

Sorry about your turkey. I hope you enjoy your pillow. And just realize that this won't be the last time your family won't undrstand.
I'm sorry that you lost your turkey. I think what you did with your turkey took real strength. I'm not sure I could do anything but bury my beloved pets - furred and feathered alike.

I understand your frustration with the family and their disgust regarding the processing a poultry but their peace with eating meat purchased at the grocery store. While I'm not a vegetarian of any kind, I do make a conscious effort to purchase my meat from responsible farmers. I stay away from the industrial meat complex because I can't support what the animals are forced to endure until they reach "slaughter weight." I've posted about this in another thread, but if we could just convince more people to stop buying the "cheap" meat they get at the grocery store in favor of humanely raised and humanely slaughtered meat products we could impart change within this huge industry. As I said in the other thread, if doing this meant my family only ate meat once or twice a week I would be willing to make this change. I haven't always purchased free-range meat but vow to do so from this point forward.

I hope this day gets easier for you.

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