Disinfecting used chicken coop?


Mar 27, 2017
There is already a chicken coop made out of a shed at the house we are moving to that I want to use. How do I go about thoroughly cleaning and disinfecting before bringing my flock? Also I didn't see any ventilation...how would you recommend adding that in a metal shed?
How long ago were chickens in this coop? That will make a difference to how much treatment you need.

If it has had chickens within the last 2 years, then you should do some treating. Things like Marek's, MG, coccidia, worm eggs, and red mites, can hang around for quite a long time.

Metal is a good thing as you can power wash that pretty well with a disinfectant. Check joints and roost poles for any signs of red roost mites, which would be my biggest fear for the coop itself. (Those can be a royal pain to get rid of.)

The ground below is more problematic. Ideally, it should be shoveled out and replaced with fresh bark dust or pine shavings if you have any fear of Marek's, MG, and coccidiosis.

Otherwise, simply place some fresh on top of it if it has been composting for awhile.

There is of course risk anytime you add poultry to an existing structure, so common sense should prevail....clean what looks to be a good idea, ignore what is simply overkill.

Sunshine, freezing conditions, and laying fallow do a lot of the work for you as long as there was good drainage.

As to ventilation in a metal shed....hmmmm....that is a bit tricky. Can you take a sawsall and cut some vent holes to cover with hardware cloth or a window structure?

I will let those who have worked with metal step in for that one.

When one of my chicks died, very possibly of Marek's Disease, I contacted a veterinarian at Cornell University and we discussed disinfectants.
I ended up using Virkon-S, a disinfectant that covers a lot of organisms.
It was in tablet form and I used two tablets per quart of water in a spray bottle. Very easy to use. Clean the structure with soap and water first, then spray with the Virkon-S and let sit for at least ten minutes or until it dries. I then wiped the coop down with clear water and let it dry again. No wait time to put the chickens back in after it dried. Opened everything up and let it air out, too.
It is recommended that you wear gloves, a good mask (N95 mask, available at Lowe's or Home Depot in the paint department), long sleeves and long pants when you spray. I have a smaller coop so I used a spray bottle but you could use a pressure sprayer for larger applications. I went a little nuts as I also had two brooders and all that equipment to disinfect too---my driveway looked like I was having a yard sale because I had everything spread out to dry in the sun.
Virkon-S can be ordered from Amazon. I got the pack of 50 tablets, 5 grams per tablet. There are places that sell it a bit cheaper but I needed it fast so I went with Amazon.
BTW, Virkon S eventually degrades to a non-toxic substance.


Also---can you post a pic of your shed?
There are some people here who are amazing at coming up with helpful suggestions for adapting sheds, building new ones, and improving existing coops.

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When one of my chicks died, very possibly of Marek's Disease, I contacted a veterinarian at Cornell University and we discussed disinfectants.
I ended up using Virkon-S, a disinfectant that covers a lot of organisms.
It was in tablet form and I used two tablets per quart of water in a spray bottle. Very easy to use. Clean the structure with soap and water first, then spray with the Virkon-S and let sit for at least ten minutes or until it dries. I then wiped the coop down with clear water and let it dry again. No wait time to put the chickens back in after it dried. Opened everything up and let it air out, too.
It is recommended that you wear gloves, a good mask (N95 mask, available at Lowe's or Home Depot in the paint department), long sleeves and long pants when you spray. I have a smaller coop so I used a spray bottle but you could use a pressure sprayer for larger applications. I went a little nuts as I also had two brooders and all that equipment to disinfect too---my driveway looked like I was having a yard sale because I had everything spread out to dry in the sun.
Virkon-S can be ordered from Amazon. I got the pack of 50 tablets, 5 grams per tablet. There are places that sell it a bit cheaper but I needed it fast so I went with Amazon.
BTW, Virkon S eventually degrades to a non-toxic substance.


Also---can you post a pic of your shed?
There are some people here who are amazing at coming up with helpful suggestions for adapting sheds, building new ones, and improving existing coops.

I'd add as much as possible on the gable ends. As long as the ventilation is above the birds while on roost. Cut your holes, and sandwich the HC, metal edge with 1x4 inside and out.

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