DIY feed without corn


9 Years
May 26, 2010
Hi everyone. I am needing to make my own feed. My son is very allergic to corn, and we're pretty certain he has started reacting to our eggs bc we give them traditional feed. Any advice on proportions and ingredients? Anyone else do this? I have access to oyster shell, millet, oats, and black hull sunflower seeds. I can source other things too if they need more of some nutrient. I haven't googled bc I'd rather ask all you veterans first.

Also, of I need to get other things in bulk, can you point me to the most economical source?

Thanks so much!
Here's a couple places to get you started.
A lot depends on your area and what is grown there.

We farm/ranch so we feed our chickens what we grow. Yellow peas (a field pea) wheat, lintels, oats, barley, cow pellets - these might have corn in them, some corn - only when we have it, mineral - the same that we give our cows, oyster shells, and some laying pellets. We don't measure. We just dump together what we have. For us the key ingredient is the yellow peas. The peas are high in protein. For you, making feed without corn, you would need something to replace that protein. If your chickens free range they will get what they need .

I think you would do just fine with what you can get. If you want to add something later go for it. Nothing is set in stone. If the egg laying slows see what you can do to fix it.

We feed the mineral and oyster shells in a dish off to the side.

We also don't grind our feed. Or we haven't yet. We just dump the grains and peas together and call it good. They can pick out what they want. Sometime soon we are going to grind some feed together for our meat birds. Pea fattened chicken is so good as is pea fattened beef.

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