DIY greenhouse attempt!


In the Brooder
5 Years
Oct 19, 2014
Logansport Indiana
So I decided to try to build my own greenhouse. I am using some winter screen covers from the porch that were already made and piecing them together with other wood. I am using pallet wood for this only! I think it is turning out pretty well so far! I do have to repair some of the plastic and cover the roof also. I will also have to build a door or some sort...hmm...
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Post your progress as you go on. I'm planning on making one too but probably smaller just to help in extending the season and maybe get the plants out early in spring.
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Here are some updates pictures! I have the roof done and replaced a couple sides that has ripped plastic. Now I have to build a door and use caulking to fill any cracks

No not sheets it is just the same plastic I put on the two sides that needed replaced. I am hoping that I angled the roof and tightened it enough so that it won't hold water. If it doesn't do too well I will probably switch to sheets next year!

You can't really tell in the pictures but I ended up fixing the roof and the boards all run down at an angle on the one side for water to run off. I'm thinking of putting something like a gutter on that side that will flow into a big barrel to use for watering

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