DIY Incubator Questions


5 Years
Jul 9, 2017
I am building a DIY incubator from a foam cooler and a light bulb. I just tested with a light bulb and found it to be much too hot. My cooler's dimensions are about 12"x6"x9". Does anyone have recommendations for what watt light bulb would get the right temperature? I am also thinking of using a light bulb socket that has a dimmer switch so I can fine tune the temperature. Has anyone done that and found it to be effective?
Also what type of thermometer would you all recommend using? I was hoping to find one with an external wire that could take temperature and humidity readings, but I could only find ones that measured the humidity around them and only used the external wire for temperature.

Thank you!

You can go to Lowe's and get one of these for about $10 and it reads humidity also, I used a DIY cooler as well
I just hatched out of something very similar. As far as wattage I used a 24w bulb in something slightly larger. You may have to experiment with different bulbs. I have seen people use a dimmer with good results, but at the end of the day just remember that it isn't a thermostat. With a dimmer switch keep in mind the temperature fluctuations from the environment outside the incubator. Good luck, it is very satisfying hatching out of something you have built. And keep in mind humidity is another very important aspect. Accurate thermometer and hydrometers can be had for fairly inexpensive online. Check out incubator warehouse, Amazon has some as well.
I just hatched out of something very similar. As far as wattage I used a 24w bulb in something slightly larger. You may have to experiment with different bulbs. I have seen people use a dimmer with good results, but at the end of the day just remember that it isn't a thermostat. With a dimmer switch keep in mind the temperature fluctuations from the environment outside the incubator. Good luck, it is very satisfying hatching out of something you have built. And keep in mind humidity is another very important aspect. Accurate thermometer and hydrometers can be had for fairly inexpensive online. Check out incubator warehouse, Amazon has some as well.
Awesome, thank you!

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