DIY Instructions for Very EASY heated waterer for under $20 bucks

This person used this de-icer with success... just for another option.

That is the heater-de-iced we have on order should be here next week, will probably be using a 5 gallon, with the horizontal nipples. We are in Colorado and it has gotten down to -15 earlier. This will be a system that is outside in a covered run as we don't have the set up or space for it inside the coop. We have 25 in our flock and I will be putting together in the next week. I will post results here if that is ok. Glad to see so many people trying this system out, we had roos with frozen wattles due to drinking out of heated dog bowls (raised on blocks) during sub zero weather.
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Hi everyone,

Got my horizontal nipple waterers built and put them in the run. So our set up is two five gallon buckets raised, with the K&H Ultimate Bucket Heater - 250w and a total of 10 nipples for 25 birds. The heaters are designed for both plastic or metal buckets, is submersible or can float, has built in thermostats and is suppose to use less electricity than an aquarium heater. It hasn't been cold so don't know yet how these heaters will work, but not too worried based on reviews.



I put one in the run yesterday around 4:30. Took about 2 minutes until some of the girls figured out how to use it. I put the second one in the run this am before letting everyone out, pulled their other waterers and let them out. They took to it like it had ways been there. The BR and Delawares have been the ones to take the lead and have shown others. I still need to secure them against some support poles in the run, which I will do today. I am glad our girls took to the watered so easily, wasn't sure they would since we used nipple waterers before. Also I bought 15 nipples not realizing that one nipple waterers 6-8 birds and I have only used 9, so will have plenty to set up waterers for baby chicks this spring and to have a bucket in their free range area as well.

Hope everyone back east is staying warm.
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Finally got around to wrapping the bucket. I used a double layer of bubble wrap covering the sides of the bucket, with cutouts for the nipples, and also a double layer on the bottom of the bucket. We set it up again early this afternoon. I just checked it now at dusk. No ice in the bucket so far and the nipples are working. There is going to be a blizzard tonight and we will have to dig everything out tomorrow so I'm really hoping this is good overnight. It didn't get over 20F today I think. Before it was freezing up in 15F. But the way it was freezing made me think insulation might do the trick. So this is 2.0. If this doesn't help I'm going to try a new submersible heater.

For anyone who is concerned about going to horizontal nipples, don't be. Our flock has never used any nipples, here is a shot of the waterers on day two.


I removed all other water sources and tapped the nipples a couple times and they took to it easily.
How much for the heater and where did you get it?

Ordered it off Amazon - the K & H Ultimate - 250w heater is designed for buckets both plastic and metal, can be submersible or float and come with built in thermostats. They range from $40-50 depending on the vendor. One thing you have to make sure is there is enough water to cover the heater at all times if you submerse it.

Woke up to 6 inches of snow and 20 degrees, nipples were fine this am. They are in covered run but open to the elements. Suppose to be colder tonight so we will see how the heaters and nipples do.
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Dh got a new heater off Ebay and the bucket is finally staying thawed. No ice at all. I guess the other was no good after all.

Dh got a new heater off Ebay and the bucket is finally staying thawed. No ice at all. I guess the other was no good after all.

Glad it is working. I've changed my aquarium heater to a bird bath de-icer (still have the pond circulation pump). The water isn't as warm, but no freezing even at the -14 we had the other night. yey!
We'll see, it's supposed to go into the negative single digits for lows later this week. But my last step before replacing the heater was wrapping the bucket in a double layer of bubble wrap so hopefully it will be fine.

We'll see, it's supposed to go into the negative single digits for lows later this week. But my last step before replacing the heater was wrapping the bucket in a double layer of bubble wrap so hopefully it will be fine.

Did the new heater do the trick or did you have to wrap the bucket? just curious
Mine with the bird bath deicer was still good the other day even at -24, yey!

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