Do cats kill multiple chickens at once?


In the Brooder
10 Years
May 17, 2009
San Gabriel Valley
For those who have heard of cats killing chicks/chickens: How many chickens were killed at once, how old were they, how many were available, and were the chickens confined?

I read through half this thread and found only one post where they lost multiple chicks (23!) at a time, apparently to a cat. They were 8 weeks old.
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Ive never had a cat kill more than one bird ....per cat of course! I have had coons kill everything in the coop just for the heck of it.
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If they are just playing with them they could. where any of them actually eaten or just dead? I don't think they would if they where actually eating them. or it is one very fat cat.
I have 5 outdoor cats and none of them has ever touched a chicken. I have half a dozen that free range and one of the cats has snuck in the chicken house with me out of curiosity but never touched any of them. They get right up to them and both cats and chickens act like they are all part of the family.

I really expected trouble and was surprised.
I'm pretty sure a neighbors cat got a few of mine. I went into the barn and found one dead 7 week old silkie with its head and one leg missing, then found 4 more dead inside the coop, but no signs of injury nor any missing parts. I think the cat just scared them and chased them to death. No way a coon or skunk got in through that tiny hole, only a cat that can streatch and flatten itself coulda got in there. One simply got crushed from the others trying to escape into a nesting box. Time before that a coon did get in and it ate the heads off 3 young chickens berfore I gotout there and scared it off.

I did some serious predator proofing this past weekend- its like Fort Knox out there now. Nobody gets in, nobody gets out. (I hope!)

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