Do chicken eggs hatch past day 24? Were they alive?


8 Years
Jun 16, 2011
So it was my first time incubating in a circulated air Farm Innovators. One chick hatched on time on day 21. The rest of the eggs were clear except two. I thought they may have died because I heard they could not hatch past day 24, today. When I broke the two open and did some research they looked to be day 17-19. The vessels were bright red but the chick did not move when I cracked them open...
So any thoughts ? Were they alive? Could've or do chicks ever hatch past day 24?
I've heard of some chicks waiting until day 26 to hatch but if your ones didn't move when you opened them up they will most likely of been dead. They probably developed a mutation inside the egg and stopped developing at day 17/18. Well done on the other hatch though :)

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