Do Chickens mimic...

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Grumpy Hen
10 Years
Mar 3, 2009
Mesa, Arizona
Lets say you have 2 chickens that were raised together, lets also say that they are young (around 3 months, give or take).

1st chicken has a leg problem since it hatched and it limps and lays around alot.

2nd chicken is fine, walks normal.

Lets say 2nd chicken starts limping with the same foot as 1st chicken and lays around alot (when its with 1st chicken). When 2nd chicken is by itself it resumes walking normally after awhile.

Do you think that 2nd chicken is mimicing 1st chicken?
Maybe it isn't mimicking, maybe it is being sympathetic? Honestly, I don't know. But I don't think it is impossible, certainly baby birds learn from their mama how to find food etc. so perhaps chick#2 has picked up on this behavior and just does it in that environment because that is what it sees the other chick doing, even if it doesn't know why.
I have no idea if she is mimicking the other or not. I have a chicken with a leg problem, and she has a friend that stays with her and lets her lean against her to stay upright or to rest.
Yes, its strange behavior on the part of chick #2. Makes you wonder if there is really something wrong, or its mimicing, or being sympathetic.

does anyone else have a chicken or chickens that act this way.

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