Do chickens segregate according to color?

My flock forgot to read the manual- they mix up with no color segregation ;)One RIR is always with one of the Plymouth Bared Rocks. Rareley do they ever clump by type- it would be even easier for counting if they did. We have 9 RIR, 8 Black Sex linked and 8 PBR.
Now I know what chickens are always chattering about - 'Have you seen who's moved in next door?' ' See those white ones over there.....' 'If that lot come one step nearer..... ' etc. etc. lau
We bought 2 Delaware pullets a couple of weeks after we bought the other chicks and they stick together like glue and cry for each other if they are out of sight of one another. I have noticed this same phenomenon with dogs. Our Pomeranians can spot another pomeranian, regardless of what color it is, and they are much more excited than when they meet another dog of the same size. It is certainly interesting.

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