Do chickens sneeze every once in a while?

My Buff Brahma is a sneezer. She eats scratch, she sneezes, she begs at the back door, she sneezes. She is just a sneezer-no discharge and she's done this for years. Sneezing without any other symptom is usually environmental. Even new plywood with the chemicals they use to laminate it will make them sneeze.
My RIR rooster is a sneezer and has done so since I got him almost two years ago. No discharge from the nose and he never acts like he is sick. He sometimes acts like he can't breath very well though. Maybe his nasel passages didn't form correctly. I used to worry about it but I don't anymore.

They do on occasion get feed or dirt crammed up into the nares and you can use the quill of a feather to scrape it out. I have to do that on occasion with my crippled rooster, Zane. When they are trying to dislodge dirt like that, they do sneeze.
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Ha ha!

My baby chicks were sneezing this morning and I was a little worried since it was a little cold last night (even with the heat lamp on) but they were sneezing right after I gave them some oatmeal so I bet that's what it was. Thanks for posting!
I have a Serama hen, I hatched & raised indoors for the first 5-6 months ... I finally hatched her some companions, when they were old enough, moved them all outside in a tractor . The little hen started sneezing. No discharge. I immediately separated her from them , quarantined her to my bathroom
and within a day, she stopped sneezing.
Kept her in the bathroom for 3-4 weeks. She was fine. I moved her back outside and within 4-5 days she was sneezing again
. She is BACK in the house, in the family room this time and not a sneeze to be heard. She is now a house chicken and very happy about it.
Don't know why or what causes her to sneeze. Everything I have read or heard says chickens cannot have allergies.

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