Do cockerels ever do the "squat" thing?


In the Brooder
9 Years
Sep 9, 2010
Colorful Colorado!
So I have 4 pullets - three have started laying and of course the one I have worried the most about being male has not. S(he) is just 23 wks this week and to the best of my knowlegde is sex-linked which should cause me to have no concern about her gender. Although a well-educated scientist, I am a FAR better worrier, so here I am seeking advice. She has been squatting about 2 weeks, becoming more frequent (really turning into a little hussy) and other than her very large comb and wattles, has no other signs she is not a she. So I am just hoping for someone to help easy my mind until that first egg comes (hopefully before the first crow.) She's a production black, as is one of the others, but she is smaller and doesn't seem quite as "mature" yet. I know they are crossed and so she could just have a different make-up than the other PB - it's just that comb and wattles!!!

Thanks for indulging my over-active worry zone.
I would say that if it were a rooster, it would be crowing by now. Mine crowed at 3 months (12 weeks). That was our first factor that told us roo. Our next was the larger than normal comb and wobble. But I would say since yours isn't crowing by now, it must be a hen. Not saying for definite. I could be wrong. But that is my observation.
I think you have a pullet I don't have roos but I'm pretty sure they don't squat, unless of course its a gay roo. the squat is for mating . I have 1 pullet sautéing with no eggs yet, the egg layers didn't squat until they saw the other pullet getting attention.
My rooster will squat if I press firmly on his back. In this case, it's a submissive thing, not a mating thing.
She was the last to succumb to squatting - but now does it even when I walk up to her. I just wish she'd lay already - but as the time goes, she may go into molting before she does this season. She has always been my problem child - Lulu the lunatic! Actually her neurotic behavior is growing on me and I am finding her more and more entertaining.

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