do ducks eat slugs?

That's why I only let the ducks in the garden AFTER I have harvested everything I want out of it

The hunt down the slugs and dig up the eggs too so it does help with the slugs even if they aren't in an area full time.
ducks + slugs = me doing the HAPPY dance
my ducklings got their first taste of slug this morning and they went WILD ! you are all correct though...EWWWWWWWW What a MESSSSS of guts and slime and drooooool strings everywhere!
I have to say I don't think I've ever seen a slug in real life- at least not in my backyard! This thread is making me happy I don't live in "slug country!" Probably a good thing because so far my ducks are scared of worms...
Yep. I'm NW too, outside Seattle. My ducks grab a slug as if it were a football, and the chase it on!!! As for the number of ducks you need to get rid of all the giant slugs....well, it depends on the lot size. Beware though, because the Giant Banana Slugs we have here do not eat plant life. They are supposedly beneficial.
I was just talking to someone about slug control. Its kinda neat to see this old thread come back to life seeing as spring is coming. Here in the west coast slugs are a major pest and while I did successfully train my chickens to hunt and eat slugs the ducks are sooooo much better at it. I still find a certain number of baby slugs in my garden but they disappear fast. Ducks just love them naturally it seems. My neighbor won't eat any duck eggs as she can't stand the idea of the ducks eating slugs.
Just for the record ducks that eat slugs have great tasting eggs. There is no sluggy taste so anyone hesitant about the eggs don't worry.
There is no sluggy taste so anyone hesitant about the eggs don't worry.
Fortunately, I'm very pleased to report that I've never eaten a slug to be able to recognise a "sluggy taste" in the first place
Fortunately, I'm very pleased to report that I've never eaten a slug to be able to recognise a "sluggy taste" in the first place

Me neither!

I have vinca (periwinkle) on my property, which most folks hate DUE to the slugs and snails which love to live in it. I want that stuff to spread because
#1 - I like the ground cover and the flowers are very nice.
#2 - My ducks and geese prowl the vinca daily, keeping them free of slimy sluggies and snails.

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