Do ducks get lice when with infested chickens?


11 Years
Jan 20, 2009
Greene County, TN
I found out my chicks have lice.
I have seperated and treated the chicks with Sevin 5. Is it likely that my ducks have it? Can you treat ducks the same way? I would love to hear from someone really knowlegable about ducks. I really need to know if it is safe or even necessary to treat them. Thanks.
Thank you for the response. I am just worried because they are actually being housed with chickens I know are infested. If I dont hear anything else I will assume that ducks are "immune" to it.
Uh, just like people can get worms from their cats and dogs, ducks can get lice from chickens. o_o;

You can get a flea bite, even if the flea is from your dog, right?
Same applies to other animals.

Just like you can get lice from other kids at school; if you aren't 'infected' by lice, it doesn't mean you are 'immune' to them.

I'd watch for signs, and keep them separated from the lice carriers, then treat if anything shows up.
I've had my ducks for five years. They have never had lice or mites. Until THIS year. They are infested with them. I just didn't think about it when their feathers started looking ratty since they have never had them before so I waited too long to treat and they have gotten really bad. I have treated them and I think what they have is feather mites. The feathers are being eaten right off of them. They look hideous! I will never let this happen again. I do think they got it from a chicken I got last year.
Ducks don't get external parasites nearly as often as chickens because they bathe so much. But they can still get them.

Thank you all for your responses. I now know that they can get them. I agree with Wifezilla, now I need to know if Sevin 5 is safe for them. Anybody used it on ducks? katemary63, what did you use to treat the mites?
Just reading your post, I to just found lice on my girls:sick and I like others have never had them before this year. So I'm looking for some answere's too on what to use on my girls and also in there bathing area. Thanks in advance.

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