do ducks need a "nesting" box like hens like?

This is a wonderful question. Since I started watching my ducks I have learned so much about them, but watching them did not give me all the answers I was looking for either. This is what I have found out and learned thus far.
While there are ducks that do like to have nesting boxes, Cayuaga ducks really will lay wherever they are at. They will lay in the middle of the yard, the dirt, the leaves, or literally while they are floating in the pond. They prefer to have old grass, leaves and dirt to be able to nest on and they also prefer it to be on the ground. If you would like to encourage your duck to lay in a specified area then it is best to be able to shut them away at night until morning after they lay when you would let them out. An older more experienced duck seems to tend to use the same nest but all seem to shy away from repeated use if they continuously see you messing with their nest and eggs daily. Let her collect a few eggs in her nest, put a mark on them so you can distinguish the old ones, and she will be more encouraged to continue to lay in that cluster. I have noticed that the boys tend to stand guard while the females are laying and if you pay attention that will be your sign that its about time to go get your egg. Being that you happen to have both types of these ducks I suggest you have a few laying boxes set out along with natural ground nesting options available as well. I hope that this statement is of some help. Best of luck.

  I just took some old firewood for my mallard & fixed this for her. She's used it everytime she lays.

I can't see your picture.

I just got some adult muscovies this week and the older female laid two eggs in the middle of the coop. The third she somehow laid in a chicken nesting box that even my larger hens don't like because its too small for them. Then someone decided it shouldn't be there and must have rolled it down the ramp because it ended up on the floor with the other two.
Welcome to the world of ducks. It's kind of like hunting Easter eggs every day. I think mine (I have 2 laying females) would probably use the same nest all the time so long as I don't make any changes to it. Right now they are laying on the floor of the chicken coop (no chickens in there) in a nest that the older (pekin) constructed from loose hay. This is the fourth nest she has constructed. Even here they tend to try and cover up the eggs most of the time. Sometimes they lay their eggs in the pool. I have several nesting areas set up for them but they won't use them, I think they prefer their own construction. Happy egg hunting.
I have found a nest box that my ducks love. They use it every day.


We had some laying around that were already cut up that we used as mineral feeders for the cows. They make great nesting boxes.
I'm new to ducks, too. I've got 2 that are 5 months.

Someone had mentioned not feeding them for with corn. Why is that? Also, are the eggs found on the pond still edible?
I'm new to ducks, too. I've got 2 that are 5 months.

Someone had mentioned not feeding them for with corn. Why is that? Also, are the eggs found on the pond still edible?
Corn is like candy to ducks should be fed only as a treat. In winter I give my flock an afternoon treat of whole corn /meal worms the corn helps keep them warm in cold temps. I am not sure I'd eat eggs that have been laying in pond water. Can you keep your ducks in till they lay in the morning? @Rstine

Welcome to BYC
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