Do eggs from various breeds taste differently ?


11 Years
Feb 6, 2010
Orange County
Years ago, I was working a 3 month job in Thailand.

At lunch time, we would sometimes forego the cafeteria, and get lunch from one of the local street vendors.
Considering some of the foods that were common there, (translate that to "What the heck is THAT ?!?!?"),
I would often get a big plate of fried rice, that was doctored up with all kinds of goodies.

I would also have the lady put a couple of fried eggs on top of the pile of rice.
Those eggs were always the BEST eggs I had ever tasted. It was not due to any sort of seasonings, it was not due to any oils used while frying, or anything like that.
It was just the eggs themselfs. The yolks were a VERY deep orange color, and the flavor was best described as really "Rich" , "Velvety", or "Strong/ Bold" .

Kind of like the difference between a weak cup of instant folgers compared to a triple expresso from starbucks, LOL!

I don't know what breed of chickens the eggs were from,
but I do know that they were chickens that were just running around all over everywhere.
you could almost say they were wild chickens.

This experience in Thailand, is one reason why I wanted to have chickens.
MAN !, those were some GOOD tasting eggs !

so my questions are,
Do different chicken breeds eggs, taste any differently ?
If so, how would you describe the different breeds, to the flavor of their eggs?
Does anyone know what breeds of chickens are common in Thailand ?

I WANT those eggs again, and I'm hoping that when my hens DO finally start laying, they will be as good.

I know that my hens eggs will far surpass the store bought eggs, but these eggs that I remember, were something over the top !

week 21 today for my hens, and still no eggs
Wait till you get your 'homegrown chickenfruit' will probably be the best you have ever tasted!!!!
To my knowledge/experience there is no difference in taste between the breeds (I have 4 breeds, had eggs from 3 other breeds that are raised/fed to 'my standards'......allowed to forage, good layer feed, sunlight, weeds and greens and bugs and plenty of fresh water. They all taste the same-rich, velvety and have nice dark yolks. Even the 'health food store, organic' have never been close. Now the yolks of your own chickens will probably not be as dark/orange in the winter, depends on where you live. But the eggs will still be more nutritious and tasty than commercially produced eggs. I live in foraging due to lots of snow in winter but I still supplement veggies and fruit and mealworms and some leftover people food for the girls. They do consume more feed in winter but they still get their treats. Funny, my friends then 9 year old daughter knows the difference from looking/tasting her eggs at mealtime and told her mother on a couple of occasions 'these are funky eggs, they're from the store.....' when she didn't get 'fresh' eggs. I've only had chickens for about 14 months but for the last 3 years very rarely (and grudgingly) had to buy 'regular' eggs....Hope you will get eggs soon and enjoy them as much as you did in Thailand!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Egg's taste can vary depending on what the chickens are eating. It's like wine tasting--some people notice a distinct difference, some don't. This may depend on whether you wolf them down (like I do) or savor them. My wife, who has a very discriminating pallet, claims our eggs taste differently during the time the chickens are free ranging than when they are on a stricter diet during the winter. I can't tell the difference. On the other hand, she has never mentioned a difference in the sex-link, brown eggs and those that are laid by the EE's.

BTW, there is no nutritional difference between white, brown or blue/green eggs as long as the layers are on the same diet. An egg is an egg is an egg.
Every few months there is a post that claims that eggs from a particular hen tastes different from their other hens. Usually saying it taste wrong or off. I don't think I've read any good resolution. I also don't think I've read that it is breed related.

Imp- Hope your eggs live up to your memories.
I remember eggs ns England having a fishy taste. I think there was often fish meal or other fish product used in the feed. After eating "yard eggs" for several months a store bought egg will make a person gag. I can't taste any difference in eggs from different hens of my own that are different breeds. Each hen lays a unique looking egg, but the taste is all good.
I have not tried it bit I read that feeding a lot of fish/onion/garlic can cause the eggs to have an 'off' flavor. I had one strange tasting egg once, who knows what the chicken 'hoovered up' in the yard...It was a fresh egg but after a bite it became a doggie treat.....
I'm not sure if it's coincidence or not, but the contents of eggs I've gotten from Americaunas (or Easter Eggers) have always had slightly different from other hens in my flock. Not only have yolks been darker but the yolk to white ratio seems to be slightly skewed to having more yolk than other birds. I don't know if anybody else has noticed this, but I've had chickens since I was a little kid and the Americauna eggs always seemed different. Even buying eggs at the farmer's market seems to substantiate this theory, with brown eggs never having exceptionally yellow yolks but blue ones always tending towards the dark end of the spectrum. Now that I have no Americaunas at all I can't seem to replicate the color of the yolk with my current birds even though they're fed exactly the same feed that I raised the others on.

Anybody else have this same experience or am I just going crazy?

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