Do Hens Know Enough to Get Out of the Rain?

* I read a short story in a Guideposts about a girl's family raising turkeys to sell for Thanksgiving sometime around the depression. Said something about TURKEYS being the dumbest creatures on the planet-- sitting up to their chests in the mud, during a torrential downpour, looking at the sky with their mouths wide open and as if just begging to drown and waiting to die. Cracked me up good!!
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My chickens get VERY angry when it starts to sprinkle, they flap and huddle under the grape vines 3 to a post and if I come near them they peck at my hands. We haven't had any day storms, though I heard some thunder once in the day, they didn't react. If it starts to rain heavily they wander back in the coop until it stops. (goodness forbid they miss a minute of stuffing their little beaks full) I guess I am blessed to be in the PNW where it's pretty light though constant rain!
When it starts raining here - as it has been, every day, for the past WEEK AND A HALF (not that I'm aggravated) - all my chickens run into their coop. If it's a light mist, they'll stay out but anything heavier than that and they run right inside.
Mine seem to run in and out when it is raining. It is snowing right now and they keep coming out to check it out! Doesn't seem to bother them a bit!
Silly birds, the heat is on in the coop and they are standing outside in the snow!!
Mine are Rhode Island Reds and if it's a light rain they'll stay out in it. if it's hard they run for the coop! Here it's been so hot We have thanked God for the rain. But mine also run from the mist of the hose.
I'm with you, Ruth. We just had a thunderstorm come through here and my chicks, other than venturing into the coop and then running right back out, seemed to prefer the rain - they were actually chasing the rain drops! I think most of us humans these days have the hangups and don't seem to remember that chickens have been doing this for far more years than we have, and have managed to survive just fine.
I have a hodgepodge mix of breeds and muts - none of them enjoy the rain. They'll hang out under the back or front porches or under dense shrubs/hedges. Unless I come outside, when I get scolded for allowing the rain to ruin their day! They run up to me, demanding treats, then trot back under cover.
My ladies, 8 Barred Rocks are walking around the rain as if it is a Sunny Day. Fortunately it is warm out so I don't worry but there is a perfectly good house that is opened for them when they decide they have had enough...I don't get it...I, myself, do not like being wet...

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