Do hens learn their names?

Mine definitely knew their own names. I only had two. I lost one to a hawk, but if I called them, they would come running. Now, the one I called would come first, but the other one would come running also to make sure they didn't get a treat that the other one didn't! LOL!

If I called them by their names, they would lift their head up and look at me, or walk over. I think having just a few, and handling them a lot is what makes the difference. KWIM? I suggest handling them from the day you get them. My FIL's chickens (he got 4) he never took them out and handled them. Now, he comes over to pet my chicken, because his won't let him touch them.

Good luck! What kind did you get? My one that died was an Old English Game Bantam, she didn't like to be carried as much, but she would fly up to your shoulder to be petted and walk around with you. My Dark Cornish loves to be tucked up under your arm like a football and carried everywhere with me!

"Good Morning Ladies" Spoken every morning before I open their door, brings a flock of hens to sing the 'Hen Song',,,, I just love it!!!
I have three who know their names,,,Blue girl, goldie, and Red. I can call one at a time,,,but once one heads my way,,eveyone does !!! Rotten Girls!!! So spoiled,!!! haha

Our hens come running when we call "GIIIIIIRLLLS!", whether or not we have treats. Individual names I'm not sure, I've never had to just call one. The more the merrier I always say:)
My girlies all just answer to "Girlies" but that's probably because we have so many of them. We only four or five who actually even have names.....come to think of it Momma may know her name but she thinks she's special.
My polish girl sure does seem to know her name
I guess one can't really tell as most know the sound of your voice when you talk to them. When my Brother in law come over and the hens heard him out side NONE of them would step foot out of the hen house. They were scared of his voice which was really loud. As soon as he left and I talked with them they all come out right away.
My roo "Ricky Roo Roo" is the only one that seems to really know I am talking to him - The others all come to "Chickie-Chick" That brings on a herd stampede!

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