Do I have 2 Roos?


In the Brooder
Oct 22, 2015

This is my first flock, and I think 2 of my 5 girls are roosters! They are 15 weeks old. The Ameraucana has been crowing for about 4 weeks and over the past week the Barred Rock crows in response. Can you experts please provide some insight? Thank you!
I've been in denial. I don't want to see them go, but I can't keep roosters in my neighborhood.
Thank you for confirming, though I was hoping I was wrong.
Do crow collars work? I'm not supposed to have roosters in my neighborhood.
agreed Sfolks say the collars don't work, others say the birds get injured wearing or actually from trying to get them off. No crow collars are like diets to me, IF they actually worked - no roosters would crow and no one like me would be tubby.
Lady two doors down from my mum has one on her rooster. My mum didn't even know she had a rooster so it works pretty well for her. She said he walked backwards when they first put it on for about half an hour but he just ignores it now.

I've been googling them recently as I think I might have a rooster too and want to keep it, despite my previously complaining neighbours, long enough to get some fertile eggs. There seems to be a bit of fine tuning of position on neck of the collar and how tight it is needed to get it to work.

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