Do I have a discriminating Egg Eater?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Feb 2, 2013
I am raising my first flock. I have 2 leghorns, 2 barred rocks, and two eater eggers. One of my EE's turned out to be rooster so five layers. In late june my leghorns started laying and I am now getting two large - XXL white eggs each day. They are amazing. Day in day out.

About a week or more ago, I had small brown (BR) egg in the group. 3-4 days later my mother-in-law collected eggs and spotted a broken brown egg. By the time I arrived it was gone. My EE has laid one beautiful small green egg. I have now gone almost one week with no brown eggs and no green eggs but still my two big white eggs each day.

I am surprised to make it almost a full week with no eggs from the BRs nor from the EE. Is it possible that someone is eating eggs, but leaves the white eggs alone?? Do egg eaters ever prefer one color or are the other birds just weeks slower in getting started than the leghorns?


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