Do I Have a Rooster?


7 Years
Mar 8, 2014
Western PA
At what point can you tell if you have a rooster?

I have 2 batches of chicks, got them sexed but I heard it's never 100%- 11 Red Sex Links that are 11 weeks old and 12 Barred Plymouth Rocks that are 3 weeks old.

What signs will tell me if one is a rooster and at what age?

If you are positive you have red sex links and not a generic red bird (RIR, New Hampshire, production red) then they will all be pullets. They can be sexed at hatch by down color. Pictures of the Rocks in another week or 2 will help in identifying any cockerels.
This link might help.

How to sex chicks

As Keesmom said, if those are true red sex links from a hatchery, the pullets are red and the cockerels are white by 11 weeks of age. There is no reason for doubt.

That thread I gave you will certainly help with the barred rock in another couple of weeks. They can be rough for a while, but the differences usually start to show up around 5 weeks. It's too early now. In addition to the clues in that thread, the male barred rock will be lighter in color than the pullets when they have feathered out.
I have recently got 9 chicks and 3 were supposed to be females but it turns out I got another rooster. I could tell because he had a bigger comb then the rest and now he is starting to crow.
Thanks everyone!

@Ridgerunner Very helpful link! The chicks are growing so fast, I'm sure i'll be able to figure it out soon!

Even though I did want all hens I won't be too upset if there's one rooster- there's something almost "romantic" about hearing a rooster crow everyday (I say that now haha). Would be worried about its demeanor though, have heard that they can be very aggressive and mean.

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