Do I have an aggressive rooster?

He ATTACKED YOUR CHILD. He's been exhibiting clear signs of dominance toward you and your child, that's what that wing dropping and sideways shuffling are. I'm thinking your family is not in a good place to have free ranging roosters at this point. You're not familiar enough with their behavior/signals to interpret his intentions, and even if you were it's pretty impossible to keep a 3 year old tethered to you so the rooster doesn't get to her.

Get rid of the bird. Count yourself lucky she only has a scratch on her face and still had both eyes.

True to a point but harsh! As for free ranging roosters, I have a dozen free range roosters that are friendly! Try a cochin rooster, it's ok.
Ok donrae, I came on here stating that I was a newbie and asking if this was aggression or dominance establishing.... BC I'm new and wasn't positive. Everyone has to learn right? I'm not going to endanger my children which was why I was asking opinions on the best course of action. I don't know what us not being in a good place for free ranging roosters means?? I already have advertised to get rid of him and he hasn't been around the kids since then. I thought this was a place to learn from others, not be looked down on BC I didn't make the correct decision immediately
I was trying to find out if it was a one time thing and he just happened to hurt her or if that's just what they do. I'm already upset that she got hurt but thanks for your approach.

You are fine, really. I've been flogged many times. It is a learning curve. Your child is fine. If the rooster really wanted to hurt her, believe me, he could have done a LOT worse. But he did not, so you are fine. Look into a more friendly too. This is a great learning website, don't take 1 user's opinion too harshly. There are plenty of people who will help you.
Even a hen can peck at something shiny. Just supervise your kids around the birds. I always supervise younger family members who come over.
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Thank you cochinlover1..... Free ranging...... I guess they are?? They are in coops at night and during day I let big two out but they are in a big fenced in area on our side yard do we they don't have access to our backyard where kids play and we spend our time. Just in case it was thought that I just let the rooster run around my dogs would eat them probably!! BC I was having to keep seperate from the silkies I hadn't known what other type hens to get or if I had enough space, but I'll definitely add some more hens and a different roo after I can rehome him.
I keep fences around my chickens only in the winter. We live out in the country, (19 acres) and we have a ton of hungry predators that like to eat chicken in the winter. I will say, it will not be easy to get rid of an aggressive rooster. Most people are trying to get rid of roosters, you are not the first to have this problem! You also can always PM any users you find not railing, and useful. If you did not want to start a thread. I also recommend for friendly rooster breeds, Cochin, Silkie, or a bantam breed such as the mille fleur D'Uccle. Also, in my experience with roosters, I find that free ranging them (or letting them run around in a run which is what you have) actually HELPS their behavior. I mean, if I were a bird (we al know, very free spirited) the last thing I'd want to be was cooped up! It is good and healthy for your birds to run around.

donrae " I'm thinking your family is not in a good place to have free ranging roosters at this point. You're not familiar enough with their behavior/signals to interpret his intentions, and even if you were it's pretty impossible to keep a 3 year old tethered to you so the rooster doesn't get to her. "

As for this comment, I'm going to disagree with donrae. If anything, you did recognize the rooster behavior as you stated. Good on you! I didn't
even know what the "rooster dance" was until I was flogged...and chased. And you were clarifying that by posting a post asking to make sure that you were not mistaken! Your family is ready. I mean what are you going to do? Read a book on roosters before you get another chicken? Give me a break! It's a hands on learning curve. Enjoy your chickens, and supervise your young children. You'll do just fine!
Thank you for being so nice!! I love the look of the Cochin's, definitely my next purchase though finding them local may be hard.... But the thought of mail order scares me!! I can't figure out how to tag, and quote on here?! :)
You go up to the message you want to quote and there is a little "quote" button on each user's answer to your thread. Not quite sure what you mean by tagging. I have ordered Murray McMurray chicks before and have been very impressed with their quality and hardiness. They are a little more on the pricy side and depending on what time of year you will have to get 25+ chicks. If you wait until spring though, the # lowers significantly. Cochins are very docile and super great with kids. I have 4 cochin roosters that have never shown interest in attacking. The only thing is, the hens are not very good layers. Buff orpington hens are very friendly, but all my orpington roosters are either really mean to the hens, mean to me, or mean to the hens AND me. So silkies and cochins would be my 2 breeds for extreme friendliness.
You go up to the message you want to quote and there is a little "quote" button on each user's answer to your thread. Not quite sure what you mean by tagging. I have ordered Murray McMurray chicks before and have been very impressed with their quality and hardiness. They are a little more on the pricy side and depending on what time of year you will have to get 25+ chicks. If you wait until spring though, the # lowers significantly. Cochins are very docile and super great with kids. I have 4 cochin roosters that have never shown interest in attacking. The only thing is, the hens are not very good layers. Buff orpington hens are very friendly, but all my orpington roosters are either really mean to the hens, mean to me, or mean to the hens AND me. So silkies and cochins would be my 2 breeds for extreme friendliness.
ok very helpful, I have heard of McMurray so I will definitely look into that!! I guess what I meant by "tag".... I'm thinking Facebook... Is when you are writing and u mention another user and there name is in bold, didn't know if it notified them that u were mentioning them. We don't eat a ton of eggs, can't even keep up with the everybother day that the silkie lays her little eggs :).... We just want for fun mainly so it sounds like Cochin's are going to be the ones!! Thanks again!!
I am curious, why do you even want a rooster? If you only want eggs there is no need to have one. While there are good ones out there, there are also plenty of bad ones of all breeds.
I am curious, why do you even want a rooster? If you only want eggs there is no need to have one. While there are good ones out there, there are also plenty of bad ones of all breeds. 
actually we wouldn't have, but we originally got 4 as week old chicks,and didn't know til later that one was a roo. By that time kids already loved them all and we had no issues. He didn't start his dance til a couple weeks ago and got my daughter this weekend. Like I said I'm new, didn't have this issue with the silkies and was coming here for advice...most people seem to have one roo and I didn't know if I needed him and for what and I figured would be hard to get rid of since I'm always seeing roosters for sale on local Facebook page... I've joined the masses anyway!
We get attached to our pets like everyone else but I had NO CLUE how much I'd come to enjoy these **** chickens!! Ha!! :) :)
actually we wouldn't have, but we originally got 4 as week old chicks,and didn't know til later that one was a roo. By that time kids already loved them all and we had no issues. He didn't start his dance til a couple weeks ago and got my daughter this weekend. Like I said I'm new, didn't have this issue with the silkies and was coming here for advice...most people seem to have one roo and I didn't know if I needed him and for what and I figured would be hard to get rid of since I'm always seeing roosters for sale on local Facebook page... I've joined the masses anyway!
I knew the current one was an oops. I got the mistaken impression you were going to try to replace him, that's all. If you aren't concerned about egg production, and are looking for kid-friendly choices, then Cochins, silkies and Faverolles hens would be good choices. My kids have pet silkies, LF Cochins and have made pets out of some of my Faverolles breeders. They also have a social Buttercup, buff Minorca and brown Leghorn that don't mind being carried around.

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