Do i have an OPPS?

This is so interesting. You should keep updating pictures every once in a while. I'm curious on how he will feather out.
Thank you that is what i wanted to know was it noral for them to be this color.

If it was a wild goose he sure was fast and , quite and i guess he just got what he wanted and left, Hard to believe it could really happen seeing how my birds are big tattle tales which brings the dogs running when they start up.
just happen to have my camera when a bird tried to land near the flocks, birds name is critter and has taken up residence at my place.

Heres critter roosting with the chickens.

I think my boy has some Toulouse in him cause i saw some babies on the Toulouse goose thread and he looks alot like them except for the white, his tail feathers are coming in the black and white like the gosling i saw on that thread.

This is my Romeo he is a little jealous i think

Notice the tail feathers
This is so interesting. You should keep updating pictures every once in a while. I'm curious on how he will feather out.
Here he is now, photo was taken yesterday.

After having only white geese for the last 4 years i really like having one of a differnt color so he will; be here the next 20 years or

Look he is a pied goose also

Hmmm... Does a neighbor have Toulouse geese? I agree that it looks like a Toulouse cross. Very cool looking with the pied color and a crest. By this color does it tell you if it is a male or female?
Hmmm... Does a neighbor have Toulouse geese? I agree that it looks like a Toulouse cross. Very cool looking with the pied color and a crest. By this color does it tell you if it is a male or female?
My closest neighbor is 100 acres away and none of them have birds that i know of.
I call it a he cause i think that is what he is, his hatch mates were born yellow and grey but not as dark as him, i always called those hatchlings colors females and the solid yellow goselings males cause i thought they were tuffed romans, do Toulouse geese come in the color white?
Toulouse only come in grey. I read somewhere a grey crossed with white could be one gender a solid color and the other pied. I don't remember where I read that though. You have a mystery on your hands there.

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