Do I have enough room for more?


8 Years
Apr 7, 2011
I've been reading posts about "duck space" but it gets confusing with the differences between a sleeping coop, free-ranging, daytime coop... This is my set-up: I have a 12ftx6ft kennel with a half-covered top (all covered with fencing, half tarped). Inside is a plastic kiddie pool and a dog house (about 3.5x3 ft) that I lock them in at night. I plan to let them free-range in the yard occasionally when I'm home, but this would be primarily on the weekends. Right now I have 2 pekins and 1 rouen. I would like to get another 2 ducklings, a blue runner and a cayuga. Do you think I have enough room now? If not, how much space do you think I should add? Thanks!
According to Dave Holderreads new book: night pen.2-6 square feet per duck ,depending on size and temperment. Day outside yard:2-10 square feet per bird, covered in gravel, sand or covered with sawdust, on top.Think drainage, ducks...: He also has a grass yard they have access to in nice weather. Shade is very important as they "suffer in direct sun over 70 degrees". I live in Georgia dn when my free range and it is hot and sunny, they are often resting in the shade when the sun is directly overhead.
DuckiesAndBees I am so glad you posted this topic. I couldn't find the footage requirements anywhere. Last week I went to book store to purchase a duck raising book and couldn't find a one. I'm going to look again today, but might have to just order one. It's not even listed as requirements in the Sticky at the top of this sect.

mominoz~Thanks for the book footage requirements.
Huge help until I get a book. For me my guess would to always lean on the bigger side JUST in case you want to add more later.
Thanks for the advice. I think I'm going to go ahead and get 2 more ducklings and if I need to add on later I will... these ducks are already so spoiled I'm sure they'll be taking over the house soon and we'll be living out in the pen!
I know what you mean. Ducks are my new found love. They are just so darn cute and personable!!!! They are actually my teen aged DD's, but I am in love w/ them.
Don't get me wrong b/c I LOVE love love my chickens as well. How old are yours now?
As much as I love my duckies, I think my bf might love them more because he's never had ducks before. When I mentioned possibly having to sell males if we got too many, he said "We are NOT getting rid of any of those ducks!" I've created a monster!
My two pekins are about 5-6 weeks and the rouen is maybe a week behind. Just went outside last week and we've been having thunderstorms so I've been worried sick but of course they're loving it!
Oh that is too funny about your BF being so attached.
Very cute! My hubby that usually grumbles about my chicken adventures seems to be sectretly smitten w/ our 3 new little Pekins as well.
He's been picking them up and talking to them.
I have been wondering at what age & outside temp it would be ok for them to go outside. Your set-up sounds great!!! It sounds safe & secure. We use a kennel fencing 20' x 14' that is 6' high for our chicken run as well. It's great b/c it was "FREE". I had plans to build their run out of galvanized hardware wire, but can't beat FREE!!!
I was just looking at my yard and trying to figure out the best way to manage the space. With 3 large dogs, 5 ducks and 11 chickens I have some work to do.

So far I've been using those cheap step-in stakes and wire fencing to create runs in different parts of the yard. The night time coop is another matter...5 chickens are out doors and were overnighting in the garage, the 5 ducks were in a 3x6 shed. For the past few nights the chicks have slept with the ducks. They take the upper shelf and the ducks stay on the floor. But from the numbers given, it doesn't seem like enough room. Especially given that 6 more chicks will have to go outdoors in a couple of weeks.

I better get busy building them some more room.
DH seemed to cave after Blue died on Thursday to me getting more, but he said we aren't adding another duck house or adding on to the existing one, they have to fit in what we have - so I think that pretty much means I can only get 2 more since my duck house is 30"x30" and 3 runners were fine and had room for one more at night. They free range all day.
But now he's thinking I'll have to just get girls as he thinks one boy to 3 girls might be too much.
I won't order any new ones just yet, but need to figure out what to bring in.
I don't understand chicken math and duck space is just as confusing...

My little 3' x 6' night coop (shed) is working fine right now for the 5 ducks and 5 chicks. When the chicks go in for the night, the ducks follow a few minutes later. Chicks are 7-8 weeks old and ducks are 4-5 weeks old. I'm pretty sure that things will change as both groups mature and get larger.

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