Do I have more than one Roo? And are they all English Opringtons?


6 Years
May 19, 2013

We are raising our very first flock. We got 4 chicks on May 5th and I am ok if one of them is a Roo but not sure what to do if we end up with 2 Roos with only 2 hens? Right now they all get along. The littlest one isn't fully feathered so they only go out in the run for play time when it is warm outside and that seems to help them have some more space. Please let me know your opinions so I can make arrangements for one of the 2 Roo's if I need to. I am a softy and would want to make sure he isn't someones dinner. Also, they are English Orpington but our little Louie the black one seems to be smaller and her tail feathers don't look like the others and she isn't nearly as fluffy.






This is Matilda (pretty sure she is our Roo and we need to seriously rethink the name




Bubbles (don't laugh...Bubbles is a good strong chicken name)



Thanks in advance!!!
Oh no! Sad day if that is the case. Can you keep 2 Roos and 2 hens together in one hen house and run?
How can you tell they are both Roo's? Those are the two I thought might be but was hoping I was wrong.
Do you think they are all the same breed? :rolleyes:? Thank you for taking the time to help us
At about 5-6 months of age when they are considered "mature" you will probably find issues with 1 too many roos. It depends on the rooster also... but you might find that 2 boys is 2 too many as well with that few hens. They'll be in competition with each other...possibly fight...but overmating your hens will most likely happen...which makes for feather loss and unhappy hens. Ask me how I know....
I have two roos that get along and 9 hens... It's a tough scenario when you like both roos.
You are all are so helpful. Louie is my daughters so he/she will stay and at least he/she has a easy name to change. I was hoping for all hens so I didn't have to let any go but as long as we have a nice one that isn't rough with my hens I am sure I will figure it out. What a shame... Matilda is sure pretty!

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