Do I have to feed them everyday?


15 Years
Nov 11, 2008
Vicksburg, MS
Hey everyone I let my chickens free range everyday and I also feed them their lay pellets everyday. Is it necessary to feed them everyday if I let them free range everyday?
If you want them to produce a good number of eggs, I would feed them every day. Honesty, just leave the feeder there for them to help themselves and they will self-regulate their consumption. Sometimes they may not get enough of the free range stuff and need the nutrients in the layer feed.
I guess it depends on the quality of your range. Mine range all the time, but I still feed them twice daily, and they scarf it up! They have about a third of an acre they cover (they could go farther but don't, maybe they would if they were hungrier?) and I have twenty birds. You could probably try, and just monitor condition, activity levels and laying. You'd still want to offer oyster shell for calcuim. If egg production falls off or the birds start to look poorly, start feeding them again.
I have a flock of free range bantams and they are on their own during the summers. I throw a cup of scratch out a couple of times a week, just to keep them fairly tame and coming to me, but that's it.

I don't know how that would work with standard sized laying hens, though.
I fill the feeder in am and put outdoors for them where they can pick and choose when they are hungry but I dont refill -I will leave it empty until roosting time-lazy buggers LOL
My chickens free range during the day. I fill their feeder and leave it available to them all the time. They also have a large pressed cube of seeds and different grains that they peck at. Egg laying is consistent at one per day out of each of the 4 girls. They seem to be doing just fine.
I have 20 hens of mixed ages and one rooster. They all free range. I live on acreage with wild berries, insects, frogs, etc. They still have a feeder that is always full of flock raiser and a bowl of oyster shell. They don't go through much feed, but I'd rather know it is there if they are lacking something in the forage.

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