Do I leave my broody now the eggs have started pipping?


10 Years
May 31, 2013
First time hatching eggs under my broody hen and she is such a determined broody that she wasn’t getting up at all to poop/eat/drink (I know they’re meant to get up briefly once a day) ....when I say she’s determined she tried to hatch a ramekin dish once!
So I was lifting her just to quickly do her poo and giving her wettened chick feed with mealworms in the nest (which she ate every day) However, now that her eggs have begun to hatch ...first two externally pipped late this morning and can hear another 2 internally tapping and cheeping....should I just leave her, bearing in mind this could take a couple of days, or should she still get up to poop. I don’t want to upset the humidity in the nest if they would usually stay out at this point. HELP! 😊
Just leave her. She knows what she's doing. Still offer food and water in reach if you feel you must, but don't lift her. New chicks go between the wings where it's warmest and liftibgbher can crush a chick very easily
Thanks, I reckon it’ll be at least another 6-12 hours before I get chicks fully hatching as they’ve only just pipped when I checked on them this morning (that was about 11:30 am and it’s 3:10pm here now) will leave her be and keep my fingers crossed lol! She’s never attempted to come out once throughout her whole time...not sure if it’s actual dedication or that she is in fact one of my more stupid hens haha! (I mean that affectionately as she is not the brightest bless her lol!)
Just leave her. She knows what she's doing. Still offer food and water in reach if you feel you must, but don't lift her. New chicks go between the wings where it's warmest and liftibgbher can crush a chick very easily
Update ....first baby arrival....little Lavender Araucana :) 3 more have pipped but no sign of more for now
Just leave her. She knows what she's doing. Still offer food and water in reach if you feel you must, but don't lift her. New chicks go between the wings where it's warmest and liftibgbher can crush a chick very easily
Update ....first baby arrival....little Lavender Araucana :) 3 more have pipped but no sign of more for now
Probably. It took about 3 days fir my 5 to hat ch under their mom
baby 2 just before bed ...a Welsummer and although it’s not fully dried yet I reckon it’s a wee boy, very vocal and active so a healthy looking baby

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