Do I NEED supplemental calcium?


Dec 6, 2008
Elgin, IL
My chickens get free choice layer crumbles (I believe it is Dumor from TSC). I've tried giving those hens every treat I can think of and it all lays untouched--I guess they are just not into "outside" food. All they are eating is their layer ration. I would think that food designed specifically for layers would have enough calcium in it that I don't need to put out eggshells/oyster shell. I do have some dried eggshells ready to go out to them but I'm wondering if they really need it. My hens only just started laying and I don't have any soft shells in our grand total of 10 eggs collected so far. Is this a problem that would show up later in the laying cycle? Thanks in advance!
Hello, it is really very important to put a dish of Oystershell for them, the feed does not have enough calcium in it, and if they don't like treats try to put some crumbeld feed on the treatsand they will start eating the treats like crazy.

Best of luck.


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