Do I really need another roost bar


Mar 16, 2015
My girls are now 17 weeks old so I am doing coop maintenance and uncovering the nest boxes. My coop is 4' wide with a roost bar spanning the coop at 47" wide. I have 5 chickens and always intended to add a second roost bar when they got older. At this age, they all crowd around one side of one roost. Is there any point in adding the second bar? They are Easter Eggers, so medium sized birds. Will they ever spread out and need more roost space?
I have had two roost bars from the beginning and mine used to all share one but as they've grown bigger the head honcho takes one all to herself and all the rest on the other (I have 5 total). They never seem to "bicker" when going to bed because of it.
I think if you have the room, why not?


Aww, they were so tiny!! The black one is the one who is the roost hog now.
Thanks. I got the second roost installed. So much room! But, like you said - I'm sure they will assert more personality as they grow.

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