Do I switch from medicated Start & Grow to non-medicated??


8 Years
Oct 3, 2011
Little Piece of Heaven in OR
I have looked on various BYC forum postings & can't really find a definitive answer. I have been feeding my 8 BO's & RIR's Purina Start & Grow Medicated since they were born 8 weeks ago. They eat 1+ quarts of feed a day. They are doing great - getting big, beautifully feathered, feisty. Everyday they also get: a scrambled egg, tbsp of yogurt, chopped fruits/vegs & they free range a few hours a day. Also I just started giving them a few mealworms or the occasional steak bone just for fun (they LOVE that). Grit also provided free choice.

I have to make a trip to the feed store this week for more feed. The store sells Start & Grow (both med & non-med), Flock Raiser, & Layena. I know it is not time for Layena. The bag recommends Start & Grow until ~18 weeks or starting to lay. Is it recommended that I start feeding them non-medicated now or continue with the medicated? What Flock Raiser is for?

Egads, I AM confused.
I never feed medicated, bought a bag by mistake once so had to use it on birds I was going to sell.
But if you do, by 8 weeks you should be able to switch over to non-med. Medicated feed is only for Coccidia which occurs everywhere.
Birds with minor exposure become immune. The best way to avoid Coccidiosis is to keep feeders at least half full and keep bedding dry. The coccidia life cycle needs moisture to propagate. Keeping feeders full prevents chicks from picking through bedding and eating feces where the coddidia is. Birds that free range or raised in cages don't get it.
Flock raiser is higher protein. Usually about 24%. It is formulated for turkeys, ducks, geese but chickens do well on it also and I feed it to young birds if I can get it. The store that carries it is almost 20 miles away and I have a feed store 2 miles away but they have fewer chicken customers and only carry 18% non-med and 16% layer.
I give growing birds the highest protein feed I can find. Adults don't need extra protein unless molting.
By 8-12 weeks, they are developing immunity to coccidiosis in the soil, if they've been on the soil already.

Another way to combat future cocci outbreaks is just to put soil from outside in a dish in their brooder from their first week of life for them to play in. Babies raised by broodies who roam on the ground from a few days old don't get coccidiosis, in my experience. They develop immunity slowly and naturally by daily exposure to the oocysts in the soil and also by pecking at mom's poop, which is rather like being innoculated against it since she is already immune. If I had access to non-medicated feed, I'd buy that, but my brand only comes with amprolium.
Thanks all. I will switch to Flock Raiser because I can get it & it's higher in protein. I still have about 8+ quarts of Start & Grow left so I can do a mix to get them used to it. Again thanks for the advice.

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