Do mites hibernate?


Oct 16, 2020
I saw little red bugs in my chicken roost tonight. I hadn’t seen them all winter and tonight when I checked on my birds, there they were. Do these things hibernate? What kind of mite could it be? I’ve seen spiders in there coop also, BIG spiders, what to do? Please help.
I don't think they actually 'hibernate' but in unfavorable seasons they will hang around in very small numbers, and then take off when conditions improve.
If they are red, it is most likely to be red roost mites.
You will need to take apart any parts of the coop they could be hiding in, and dust it all with permethrin, and the chickens as well.
What is your coop made of?
The spiders most likely aren't much of a problem, unless they are poisonous. (I don't know what sort of spiders you get, where you live)

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